OJV 2022 Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei donation handover, Debrecen
The 18th supported institution in our charity program is the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen.
When we arrive, we meet smiling faces at this location as well. At the OJV's donation ceremonies, the heads of institutions, doctors, hospital workers, and even members of the press usually praise the Hungarian hunting community - this also happened in Debrecen.
Our donations this year - as the head of the department said - they "work" from 0 to 24. The life-saving device, which is a spiral system blood and infusion warmer, but also a hand-held pulse oximeter with an EKG, was put to work by the OJV. In the County of Hajdú-Bihar, we were able to donate HUF 1 million from the budget, but apparently every hundred thousand, even more than a million, has weight.
We would like to thank the work of Ákos Szatmári, the head hunter of the landscape unit, who is the "engine" of the county, but the excellent work of our strategic partner in Hajdú-Bihar County, the Polgármente Vadasztársaság, is also essential for success. We thank President Dezső Mecső for years of cooperation and exemplary county activity. .